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sung Woo- woong (Yi sun~ shin 1545- 1598) ln the caseof hanging. the jade enters the writing instrument and the rest is attached to the wall. lt would be enough if l could see the same manual as the hanger of shin shim. He would have hoped for God;s fraud and war. The control bureaucrats and the royal ancestors would not have been largely eyempted from the damage of many people and property by jaguar's invasion. lt seemed that YSSwas locked in prison. lt seemed that he did not commit a crime, so it was an outbreak of war to be sent to war in the joseon Dynasty. so there was military rule in Ming. l do not think so. ln other countries, you can have two eating habits rather than side and side. The result of the Ming Dynasty before the death of Yi sunsin in the Ming Dynasty At that time. even thougn Ming Dynasty died in an era of helping the army of korea to defeat an unhelpful war. lf you win. They have more value than themselves. The Ming and the Ming Dynasties. which look like changsha. will be called the kingdom of both sides when the Ming dynasty takes the army of the ship/

̼ 屺 ģ : sung woong Yi;s hand scroll/ 32 Language Translation 32
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    : ̼ 屺
    ǸŰ :

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̼ ģ: sung woong Yi's hand croll/ μ ״ÿ ģ ڵ 鼺̳. . 屺. ֺڸ ˾Ҿ ô Ȳ ͹̵ǾϿ ̱⵵մϴ. ׷鼭 ̼ ʹ ν ׽ô뿡 󿡰 ֱ ־⿡ ֱĵ Ϸ ° Ͽ 뺴ųʸ ⺴Ͽ £ ֱ 並Ͽ ظԾ 󱺻 Ϸٰ ظԱ⵵ Ͽν ~ £ ̰ܺ ô̾⿡ ε ǽ ͵ ֱDZ ´뵵 󱺿 Ѿư ̾ϴ. ̼ ȯŸϸ ϱ 뿡 ˼־: Ϸ ηϴ ̾ Ͽµϰ. ʵʰ £ϴµ ǰ̳ ӱ ѾָϿ ̸ ϴٰ £ ʿι ̼ °Ϳܼ :󱺼 ̸ Ȳ η DZ ̼ 츮Ű 츮 ѾѴ Ͽ ʵʰ Ѽ ϰ Ǵ°Դϴ. ֱ£ Ͽ ô ߾˰ 屺̼ ̰ڽϴ. ״ (¿ AD374 ~AD413) : 糪ô ָô 糪 ҹ ιν ״¿̾⿡ ʷ 糪 һϴٰ 籹ǿֳ յ ģε 뼼ʾҴ Դϴ. ν 屺DZ ¸Ͽ ̳! / <̼ 1545 -1598>屺 ǰᳪ Ÿޱ⵵ Ͽ 󿡼 ٽñ ʿϿ £ 屺μ ֱ£ ʾ ϴ. ǿ 鼺 ϸ ô ӱݵ鵵 񱳰ʴ 屺 غ̴ ôν. 屺̳. 庸 屺 񱳰ȵɰ ñ⸦ ٶϴ.
sincerely. shin soon soon who knew the korean language December 2003 l do not know whether l live in oman. l did not return the window in 2000. did not return it. and went to an antique shop. l bought two japanese silver coins. l gave a few million won. l felt two collectors looking for troops in Seoul: it was fake. l heard it was fake when l tried to calm down at the police station ln the next few years. the National Museum of Western Art will give you the value of a one- yen silver coin. lt's worth noting that this is not a fake purchase. Maybe it has been transformed. Mmo: At the antique shop. Yi sun~ shin told me to buy the treasure chest for 500.000 won. From 2005 to 2007, when threre was doubt. the value of Yi's handwriting and coat hanger was known. jimmy: ln the 2015 auction. 6 will would have been more than ten times the price. Although it is possible to know the works of the joseon Dynasty. Yu sung~ yong was dragged to the other side dominated by Yi due to friendship in front of his friends. After Yi's death. an aemy officer died in kyungdong 1611, Gyeonggi Province. and the battle of the soldiers and the victim war ended on january 29th.
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<̼ 1545- 1598>ģ Դϴ. ̷ ô븦 ϵ Ͱʰ ɾҴ ģ ڵ 糪. 屺. 鼺 ⸦ ģʵ 쿡: 繵 . ϱ. - ڿ ۵ ѹ о üν 屺̾Ƿ Ÿϴ ǴϿ ҼԴϴ.  19 ʿ ħ θ ذ ʳⰣ ߵ׾ߴ ǽô뿡 Ϻ ô Ҽ ̳ ȭ縦 ? å å ̾ƴ ణ ũ̴ ڰǾ־ ǹȭ ׽ô뿡 ູ Ͽ ϴ. Ѱ ߿乮ȭ ѹ߸ Ǯ ǰdz ø ʾ̰ڽϴٸ! ̼ Ϸ( 1556~ 1612) źϼ 'ü' Ȱں ϰ : ܽ ̼ ڷθ ƴǴϿ ѹDZdz ̼ڰ ūµ Ѱġ ־̴°͵ν ̳ ÷Ͽ µ ̰ڽϴ. 2018 5޿ Ź޾ƺ ü Ȱں 2016 ̼ ں ׹ Ѱݵ ŷ ˼־ ͳ ̼ ģ ġ ֱٿ ̵˾Ƽ Ű̶ Ͽ: ̼ ڵ鵵 ø µ̶ Ҽְڽϴ.  ׷鼭 Ǹڴ ̾ƴ ȵ ϰĥϱ, 쿡 ȭ å̶־̸: 'ְ ܱ' Ͽ ̴ ܽ ̶ ѹ ִ°Ͱ ̳˳ ʾ Ͽ ǽϿ ְ ƴ 达 簰⵵ ϿԴϴ. 

2005 ǰ ʰ ǰԸ ٴϰԵǾ Ϻ1ȭ 鸸 ϰԵȴ. ׷ٰ ̳ ǰΰ ϱؼ £ ũ ڸƿ -̿ǿ 鷯 ϴ° ˼־ ¥ϴµ Ͽ Ǹġ ϴ½̾Դϴ. 뿵 ε ϴ ͵ ̵ϴ µ Ϻ1ȭ ¥ ũ Ļ忡 dz׹޾Ƽ ΰ 뿵 õ ̵° Űϴٺ? 񵿾ڶϿ ȭ¥ ڲֶϿ ְ ̴ 濡Դ ʾ! ٸȭ ǹ̶ ȵȴٰϿ ҰԴϴ. ̴游 ҿ Ÿ ̾Ƿ/ ǰ̸ ̳Ѵ ݵε ٰϴ µ鿡 ũ ȭ° ~ ȿڳ븩Ͽ?  ߸Ͽ ¥ ־ ¥1ȭ ͵ Ͽϴ. ¥ ѱǰ θκ DZ̸Ƿ Ͽ. ǰ 2006~7 ٺ ¥ ־ ص ó̳ 䱸Ҽ ִϿ. 񵿾ڴ ¥ Ǹڿ ̼ģ Դٸ 40 ȭ 簡 Ͽ: ΰǰ̐ʾ ̰ģ ģʵǰ쿡 ڶ ̺μ ȱⰡٴ°̾ϴ.

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