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ǵڱ 쿡 - ܱǰ쿡 ϱ ̰ ߱ Ժ Ʋ̾ ¹: ͳݿ ټҾϰ   ̳ ̹ ˻â ! ڹ ִ̺´ ͳݿ ʾ̴ٵ ϰ߳ Դϴ. ׷鼭 糪 ûȭ ݵڱ {ǰ} ѵ ͳݿϷϿ ½ ߱ Ժ ̳ ̳Ѱ ؼ ͳݿ ϴ° ƴѴ뵵 ۵ ξ ġʴ´ٰ ҰԴϴ.
׷쿡 ׽ôǹ ͳݿⰡ ϼΰ͵ν ĺ °͵ ⵵Ͽų غ̳ Ⱓ 밡 Ѵ° ̶߱ ڱǰȣϴ  ϴ½ 70%̰ڽϴ. ô  ѱ/ ~ ô뿡 ~ ³ν ³ ôǵ ̵Ǵ ų ̸ 鵵 ⼼ѹغ? Ѱ ĺ ̳ ְ߱. Ϻ.̱Ⱓ.ѱⰣ.ڱ⳻Ȱִ ŵߺ Ͽ 40% ξ¹̴ϵ Ű̴ٶ ̰ڽϴ.

ûȭ ι : Daemyung orthodox Yongcheong hwa painting of white porcelain tree/ 21 lan guages ..
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    : CHINA
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峲 ״ ٶ 8 ̿ Ȳ 6Ȳν: ̸̸ֱ ȣ . ȣ: . õ.̶ ΰ̸ ȣԵȴ. ̺ ΰ̸ ȣ̿ ߾ӳ⵵ <1450- 1456> ϰԵǴ 6Ⱓ

6 Daehwang zero Daehan Daehan Daehang Daehan (1436- 1449) when 13 years were established. sunduk died early and at the age of 8. he was crowned asan Emperor. there are many  myths and myths to follow the orthodox to follow the orthodoxy. as there are man Buddhas that have reigned for 6 years even if they are living in the 7 rajangs of <1450- 1456>. As the states. l did not seem to have abig brotherherhood and brother. l felt like l was not my brother and my brother. Moe: 8 TheRe are a lot of things that l use to change the age of the rhyme. Daemyung is famous for its paintings of blue- white porcelain.  white porcelain. and blue porcelain lt is said that the paintings looked good when were raised to the extent that they remindod of big pots. it is hard to find the trace even without a trace during the long taxation period,

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and it is not possidle to find the trace even without the trace lf youdo not find a jar that does not possibrella. if you have a belly buttonnthat is bigger than your belly button. can you put it somewhere else and it will not work without a pair of tweezers? lt is said that the pottery of the old- fashiond year- of- year tradition is priceless. there was a lot of pottery of sunduk. and it was known to the degree that the value of it would be lessif the chinese porcelain are not made very much. so it is necessary to know how many hundredreds of millions of piecesto buy in china the number of domestic wanghai ~ china hundreds of millions of dollars in such cases. the price of 7,000 won is worth billions if the coin omament is bought in china. and will have a few hundred won to sell it.

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