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ûũ ſ🚔  a huge, heavy meteorite {73}
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̷Ե Ժ̴ ָũ⺸ ū̿ ƺ̵ϴ Ͽ ̶ ũ âǸϽô ʾͰ ̐ ϿԴϴ. οǸŰ 50 ǸŰ 500 ߱ų Ѱ 쿵 ƹǹǵ ƵǸŸ ϴ°Ͱ ǿ? 1970- 50 500 õ ġ Ѱϴ ȭ - °ġ: 귯鼭 ѹǵ̸ٺ ȸʾҰ 氪ȸ ׿ٴ޾Ҵٶ ־ϴ. ׶ȯ õٸ ݾ ǸŰ Ȳ ζ ̾ƴ ݵ OƼ ſ ű ǿ ϰԵDZ⵵ ϿԴϴ.1950 500̸ ̳ <>./ 1970-1980 ߱Ǹڴ ׶ ݵε غ̴µ. ܽĿ ΰȰ ظ̴ ġġ Ͻ Ͱ ִ ϴ. 1970 ̳ к ̼ǰ ⵵ 1920볪 -1930 ̻ ʰ 鿩 ׶߱ε ǰ ƴ Ǵ Ż κ ׶ȯε ̳Ѵ° Ͽٰ ϴ ̵ ַ־ ϰԴϴ./ õ ϴ 켺 ڱ̼ǰ 1990~ 1996̿ õ̻ 3̳- £ ѰŹ λ󵵾ƴ ߱ε κ ڼȭ Ӵϰ غϴ ׸鿡 ְ Ѳ ǵ̶ Ͽ ټ ͵ ϵ ƴϸ鼭 ߱ε ԼϿ ǸϿٰ Ҽ־ϴ. 쿵 ƹѹǵ αô ǰ ߱ κ ̳Ѵ ݵ ε鿩  1940뿡 ߱- ѱ 븦Ͽ ŷδ 7̳ - 10 2007⿡ ȸ翡 ѹǸŴ°ƿ 500 ۰ ǰ 1990볪 80 ̳ ̾ վȿ 쿵 ƺǰǸ 쿵: 01035827790 ¾̳ Ŀ ε α ̼ǰ ͵ ǸŴ ̾⿡ 80Ǹ ƹdz̶ 60⳪/ 1970 ߱ε ѹαַ ε շϿ Ͽϴ. 70Ŀ ε ߱ε̿⿡ ҵ ϼ ǸŰȵǾ ôϿϴ. Ϻΰƴ ̼ǰ. ε ǰ Ѳ Ե ݿ ǸŸϿ ̴µ? ǰδ 70%̻ 1000Ǵٸ ̼ǰ 30% ̶ صϽپ˰ڽϴ. ô ùٸǴܰ м. ׷ ʴ ݵ ߱ٴ  ˾ƺγ ϰѰ͵ Ʋ̾ʽϱ& 60~50 ׷ δ ״ǹ 50迡 1000 ô - ߱ Ͽ ұ̳ źġھ ± ȭ ⰰų ˷ϳ? ׶ ̼߱뱹  ù ۵Ǵ½ ̵ 1. 2Ǵε ʹ ޶ Ϻdzо ̶߱ Ͽ ̶ Ͽٸ ѱ ٸ ȭ Ͽ⵵Ұ. ü µ ߱ Ҿ¡ ѱ ǸϿϿ´ ׶ǻ׵ Ÿų ̸ ̷ϰ̸~ ڱ ̼ǰ ߱ε ص鿩ٰ! 1985⵵ ߱ ϺǵڱⰡ ѱ ʸ 鸸 ٸԵ ȷ ߱ε ʹѰ ǸŴδ¾ƴϵ ߱Ǽ ǻ Ͽ Ϻλε غ ܿ ߱ Ǿ̾ٶ Ҽ־ϴ. ׷ 1977⵵ 뿡 ༺ ๰ä ̸ Ÿٴϴ ϰ̴ٶ Ȯ: dz9~10 αǰ̳ õ ̸̰ ̷ ٴڸ ֱ̰ ٸֺ ڱ⵵Ͽ ʷϱ⵵ϴ ׼ӿ ڴٰߺ ϴÿ̻ ü ־Դϴ. ó 泲뿵ֺ ̷ ̴ ֺøߴ ̿? ๰ü鵵 ó ǰο ̴Ⱑ ̻ϰԺ̴ ӹŸ° <ö>̰ ȮҼ ־̸ ׷ٰ ̳. . Ͱ ͵ Ҹ ðȸϸ ӵ ź -̷ - -ٴ尡 - Ϻ - ݴϿ° ÷̺ ־ٶ ҰԴϴ.

we'vebeen following the winiative response of the metaphors in the formations that exist like today's E arth, and we've written down some of the instructions. that we can take planets like stars and life on Earth. The age of these smaller meteorites in the faraway world of 45 billion years could have been the same size as the Eartn - it could have been on the planet. but the academic rate was: 46 percent more difflcult than life- force than the extremely 0.7 percent recorded on the planet. The size of the planet before Eartn s atmospheric friction was hundreds and thousands of meters before it was burned. The size and size fiuctuations of the planet before it came close to Earth could have been eliminated from the collision of the planets. so the meteorites that the planethad roamed around the unizerse without life, but they were also meteorites. Even if it wasn't big enough to separate from the plane. the debris meteorites are Hal Dongseong fortress in a day or a year. And the outer life is believend to have flown in dozens of times a year. And yon can also see the sight of self- infected aliens in the vast expanse of Earth's life. and the owners of the meteorites changed his mind. hexes of the meteorites trying to avoid powerful magnets seemed to be making mechanical sounds at night. so the asteroid- hexed meteorites were not very large. but they were able to escape the outer space. When he says. ''What do you miss?'' Hector in the room stops operation and returns to the meteorite in Borae- daero. Afterwards. it was also known that l gave you a good seat so that you can watch the TV outside of the vinyl.

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