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DZ 1 ̼͢  ŵ ٰ ŵ ó 7(1371) ÿ ٰմϴ. ׿ İ踦 ٻ̴ ο þ Ѿ ڷ Ѿ ķ ȴ. 1373(ο 22) 9 <> ̸ ɺ뱺 ̵ ο ο ش ǵ ̵ ʹ ҸӴ İ 븮ûϿ. ¥ ο ̐° ϴ¹.{Ȥ ŵ Ƶ ƴѰ?} ׽ô뿡 Ϸ Ÿļµ ձ Ÿô ~ ߱ ̼ ι°Ƶ Ȳκ. Ȳ Ȳָϰ Ȳ : 峲 뱺 ڸ⵵Ͽ  ϰ Ͽ ϰ ūƹ ̾Ƴ 踦Ͽ 𸣰Ѱ κ° ô뿡 Ÿ缳ε Ǵŵ ҷ . ŵ. ϴ ø ƺ ѱ ȭǮ̷ ̱- Ŀڸϰ ߰ ̴ٷ  ޾ ڻϱ⵵ߴٴ ֽϴ. 뱺 Ҹΰ . Ҹϰ  ϰԵǴ ƹ ڽĵ 峲 뱺 ڷ ҰԵǾ ѾƵ OⰡ ڰ Ģ ð Դٴ ߱ ̼ ٿ ŵ Ƶ̶Ͽ ֿ Ǽµ óϿ ձ˾̼踦 ̶ְ а ̴ٰմϴ. ϰ 缺 ô 뼼µ ݰ ŵ Ƶ̳? ο Ƶ̾ƴҰ̴ ̼ µ̳. ̼Ƿ. 翡 տ찡 ƴ ſ ϰ ݿ Ͽ δ ŵ ̶ ̷ Ǿ ̼ ĵ 뼺 ϸ - ձ ˹̾ ο Ƶ̾ƴϵ ŵ ̶Ͽ ģ ̼輼°. γ ۱ظ鿡 뼺 ƶδ. ǿȭ TVο ٸ ȭӿ⵵ ⸸ϴ° ƴ϶ иؾҰ Ͽ°͵ 뱹 ο Ƽ꿵ȭ Ͽ Ͱ ϵ ʹ ¥ 鵵  ϵ Ǹ οȭ  ۰ ȭ ¥ε 빰̶Ͽ ŵڽ̾?  Ƽ ״ ׵ ڰ ƴϴ ܰ ο Ƶ̐ ̼ ϱ 缺 ŵǾƵ Ҵٶ ǰ 󿡼 ڷ պ񿡼 ̳:ŵ̰ պ ģ̴ ̼Ĵ 䵿ݴ ֿ ϱ ᱹ ġ غ  Ȳ 󿡼 ̶¸ ۿϿ ⿡ ̼Ĵ ̰ 1Ȳ ڸ ԵǴ 󿡼 ٸʾ Ͽϴ. ׷뵵 䵿ġʰ ǿհ ֿǼ غ ''ȫ''󿡼 ʾ Ͽ° 䵿ƴ 縦а ô̵幰 ̼迡 ݿ ̿Դ 󿡼 ̳ Ͽϴ. ο Ƶ Ǹ 䵿ġ ̼ĵ ݴ հֿġ 󿡼 οڽ ʴ° Ÿϴٴ¼̴. ̼Ŀ. . µ ħڿ ƺ ̾ƴ϶¼ ŵ ̶¼ ݱ ΰ ؾ߸Ұ Ͽϴ. ǹݴļ 󿡼 ̵ ̼踦 ȲϿ Žϰų ħǾ߽ δ ʰ ȫ. ǹ DZⰣ 4⵵ä ʾ Դϴ. ̼. 2 , 3 ̹, 4 ̵,3 °Ƶ ¾  û åо ٸ ٰ̿ а Ͽ . .õ.. ٹ ϼ ̾Ͼ ѱ âϱ 4 漭а ٸ å 30 оٰϿ 󸶳 å Ҿ ƹ ̸ϱ⸦ ߿ﶧ ﶧ о ̳ 㿡 д° ߴٰմϴ. ūå ûϿ ΰٰ ϴ° ƹ ̳׿? ̹ ڽ ķδ   Ͽ ᱹ ڽij簡 εʾҴ Ͽ ڰ ĢԵǾ װ͵ ְ Դٴ ̴ ̵ ̵ Ŀ ױ 4⵿ ̵Ǿ ġ ... ô̰ ̵̰ ϴ ǰ... ̰ ̾ Ⱓ å Ʋ Ҽִ ̵Ǿٰ ϴ.

'ʻ纻' ѽ(ȫ) king jeong jong's 'philshabon' rbnshicHongje city .Ʈ.ƶ..±..丣......Ż
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a master craftsman of the late Goryeo Dynasty The king did not say that he would be the son of princess Rohguk in the artide on the sale of coins and jewelry, but that he had no chlidren. lna koryo Temple.lt is said that due to the distdrtion of members of the ''Rebel of the joseon Dynasty'' group ledby Lee seong- gye, woo was not just a party. but called him a ''shinwoo.'' the son of shin Don's. As the king did not have children of the king, he had relations with the princess through the money. when the child named kingWu was born through the eyes of the bod and the princess, shin Don and Queen sunjung would become king.More have been killed because they were confused as to whether he had been allowed to cheat on king Gongmin and his son. l was not an insider, so l had the excption of the king around the palace with a woman. An internal coroner's edition: the king is a concubine in his dloodline. To avoid suspicion of korea, when king Gongmin shot king Wu as his successor, the palace Han was decared his mother. of course. it was later discovered that Banya was a mother. who hsd previously offered her daughter to king Gongmin. her maidservant. king Gongmin went to bed together and became pregnant shortly after. Banya was the maid of shindon and king Gongmin was worried and worried that he might think shin Don was his own son. ln 1371. king Gongmin told Baekgwan that he had a son and asked him to come to the palace. Banya calls her son princess Noguk. one night at the palace of Queen MYeongdeok, in the second year of 1376 1 33 will, he sneaked into the palace of Queen Myeongdeok and shouted, ''lhad a real statue. but why did l have you as my lord? when he chased out the afterlife. he put the half- nights prison and interrogated them as the responsible department. ''lf the aky knows my comfort, the New York door will collapse. He says the door has been knocked down. sho did not want to connect Banya. who was also a slave and a woman of shin Don. in the Goryeo Dynasty. Banya was thrown into the lmjin River and died.'' ln the course of the reverse revolution of the josen Dynasty, king Taejo of the Ming Dynasty [ju WYn- jang] said. '' THe land north of give up land that had become difficult for the king of the people. said. ''lf General choi Young had become the governor, the Republic of korea would not have been founded by the Republic of korea.'' ln the cold winter. he lowered the entire army around the Yalu River and used it as the basis for the child of shin Don and the ''shinura'' born between princess Roh Guk- jang (Men of Ming Dynasty): Eliminating the forces centered on choi Young and leading him to die to the Lee seong- gye faction under the Ming Dynasty. lt is believed that if the mother of faction under the Ming Dynasty. lt is believed that if the mother of king Wu was princess Noguk, sho would not have given orders to march into the Ming Dynasty: the son born of king Gongmin and Banya. it seems that jo- dong~ gun had given the order. The order. These days, there are many people who see Banya as the mother of U wsngwang and princess Nogukdae. Even though Banya' s memory was a tragic princess who was not recognized as a princess but was thrown into the Yalu River, the king of the time was not

king jeongjong's second son .king Taejo of the reign of king Taejo of  the reign of king Taejo. came to the atmosphere: lvankin and the king's Han students mobilized their forces to eradicate the treacherous form and repel the opposition forces. killing the remaining forces of the war- torn country. king jeongjong was the king of the joseon Dynasty. and jeongjong was the king of the joseon Dynasty. what if Gener al choi Young of the end of the Goryeo Dynasty had transferred to the throne of joseon Dynasty prehaps the land of Goryeo to North korea of Ming Dynasty could not have been pulled by the desceon of Yi seong- gye. the daughter of choi Young to the Ming Dynasty. who is not the biological daughter of king Choi young. would not have been able to afford a king' s dauguhter. The war heroes were weakenod and renamed joseon as a new country. The 2nd Emperor of joseon is said to be king jeongjong. and to have studied a to be the 18th son of  7will in 1357 or the second son of Lee seong- gye. During the reign from 1397 to 1400. jeongjong's family history of the royal palace. jeongjong's master of the royal palace. which was an adulterous affair of the royal paiace. the second son of Lee seong- gye or the second son of kang Geun- myeon is the father of joseon. who once again visits joseon as a lesson from his children. As a fair king. he was a provincial governor. unlike the dictorship. and he was a prince in the case of the oppossig forces have been carried away since the birth of the joseon Dynasty. King jeongjong and Queen jeongjong. who came downfrom jungjeon- ri to save king jeong- jong's concubine. died on october 15. 1419 until he gave up the throne to the ruler. Lee Bang- win. lt is not clear whether it was an ancient book written by king jeongjong during the reign of king jeongjong. and it is not clear whether it was an ancient bookthat was written by cha Yoon- ok. 01073903663. in Gijang- gun. Busan. and it has been collecting rare manuscripts from coins? As l bid for a collection of newitems that l didn' t hand or case l was asked if could get a job at the time: wonder if the bidding went well with the consideration of president kobe kim Min- je. ls it not much different from the price that should have been few years ago? lt is not to compared to the king's two- year rule of pan and chaeam Haengnaeyong: Na Daeyonggun. who manufacturd turtle ships. is famous for the Turtle ship which would have protected the japanese invasion of korea by being the most famons in the history of the world. Now. General Na Dae Yong' s body cancer perforformance in the place of place of the No. l shipyard will be the most popular item in korea,

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2 : . ȷ屺/ DZ/ Ǻ 2 1å ǰdz뿡 뱹 Ƶ̵ յ鿡־ 뱹 ٶǿ ŵڽ̶°Ͱ ٸٴ³ ̰ڽϴ. ģʷ 115 230̳ ָ ģ<ȫ> ˼־ϴٴ ȷĽDZ ǰ ٸٴ° ˾ƾ  ŵ ߴ. ο ڽ̾ Ͽµ ŵ ڽǿ ̸ Ͽ. ο ݾ߿ ħ߰ ڿݾߴӽϿ ŵڽģ · ɿ쿡 ݾ߸ð. ķ ݾߴ ŵ ̾ ο ݾ ̸ ŵ ̶ұ ٽϰ Ͽ. 1371 ŵ̿˷ η ο ڽſ Ƶִٰ 鿡Թ ݾ Ƶ ϳ븦 ñз ϿѴ. οڽ شϴ 1374 9 ϳ밡 ݾǼһ̶ϸ ǽұ! Ѱο ̹̻ϰ Ѿ ϰ Ѿ մϴ. ѾԴ Ķ ȣ. ̷μ ݾߴ 2(1376) 3 ÿ ¢'' ¥ ֻҴµ, Ͽ Ѿ ӴϷ °?' μϿ ϰ ݾߴ '' ϴ̳ ȴٸ ݵ ̴'' θ¢µ, ׾߸ 㹰. ̸ ̻ϰ . 뿹̸鼭 ŵǿ̱⵵ ߴ ݾ߸սǰ Ű ; ʾ ݾߴ ¾Ҵٰ մϴ./ δ ڽ Ʋ¾ 뿹ǽź ø̾ٴ° ݾ ޷ϴ å<ȫ> ζ ֿ屺 ļյ ̶ ںκ λ꿡Ͽ ֿ屺ؼ ߾ƴ° ǻ ΰ 翭 ͸ ̼迭 ε Ͽ İ 븮𸦴ߴٸ ģ ݾ߶ ε ְ ̾ ݿ ̷ִ°͵ 뱹ִ ڷ 䵿 ϶Ͽ κ ̿! 󸶰 븮 䵿 ǿڿ Ƶ̾ƴϾ⿡ ̼Ŀ ׿ɵ Ͽ° ģ𰡾ƴϴ: 䵿ġϿ 󿡼 ϰ̴ٷ ǽ߱⿡ ֿ ѽö £ʾҴٶ Ͽϴ Ⱓ ¡ ° Ƶ 氣 ø💏 Ѱ ° ¡ õ սǻ ĵ ϴ Ͽ ڵ ν ձ ȭ ⿡ ̸Դϴ. ĵ ߴ ƹ Ƶ ó ̰ ־ٰϿ Ǿ ̻ǵ ¡ óްԵǰ, ſͻ ū ԵǾ μ Ÿݹ޴ ο غѼ̶ մϴ.

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